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Here are some of the frequently asked questions about joining the CMVC.

Do I have to have had previous experience to join the choir?

No. Some members haven’t sung since they were at school. Some had never previously been in a choir. But if you like to sing, then that’s enough.

Do I need to audition?


Do I need to be able to read music?

No you do not. Many of our members can’t.

So how does somebody learn?

We provide all of the sheet music, and on a private area of our website we have practise tracks for all of parts for all the songs. You can listen to these and sing along with them in the privacy of your home. Our Music Team also take the choir through each song section by section until we are comfortable with them.

What experience does your Music Team have?

Lots! They are really generous with their time and encouragement and they have great patience. Our MD, James Willshire, is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist. Our accompanist, Louise Matley works with many choirs and is an international level music examiner.

Do I have to join straight away?

You do not. Come and try us out and if after a few weeks you want to stay with us you will be asked to join.

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How do we learn the songs?

We provide all of the sheet music; we also have recording of every part for every song. Members can log in to our website and listen to them whenever they wish. You can practise in the privacy of your home. Then, over several weeks, our Music Team will take us through the songs, section by section until we are comfortable.

Is there a membership fee?

Yes, but we can take into account individual people’s personal circumstances and can make adjustments. For four rehearsals a month (we miss a month in the late summer) it is not a high price to pay for one and half hours session with two highly regarded professional music teachers.

What happens if I cannot attend a rehearsal?

Everyone misses a rehearsal or two. Life gets in the way. What we do ask is that you make as much effort to attend as possible particularly if we are rehearsing for a concert .

What charities do you represent?

There are many. Fundamentally we focus on local charities, but some are national.We sing at the invitation of other choirs to raise funds for the charitable causes they support, and donate monies ourselves to others. We do raise thousands of pounds each year for good causes.

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Why is it a men-only choir?

It’s part of a rich choral tradition that we and other choirs are trying to protect.

Isn’t that sexist?

Not at all. It is simply a continued focus on a long and historic vocal tradition that these choirs represent.

I have more questions

If you haven’t found what you need on this frequently asked questions page, then please get in touch.

Read next: The History of Male Voice Choirs