In any organisation, including choirs, clubs, and other groups, a committee plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing the activities of the group. The role of the Cirencester Male Voice Choir committee is in building the platform on which we create performances that raise much-needed funds for local charities. The choir representatives are volunteers. They give their time to ensure the membership continues growing and extending it’s abilities.
While we are arranging performances that continue raising much-needed funds for local organisations, we also work on ensuring a friendly social group. As a result we are successfully promoting the cause of choral music and a more widespread appreciation of its benefits.
The Committee is responsible for sourcing and licensing music, venue hire, insurance, publicity, music equipment.
As a registered Charity we also ensure compliance with the rules and guidance of the Charity Commission.


Makeup of the choir
A male voice choir is usually made up of Tenor and Bass voices. Those two groups are divided again into high and low Tenors (Tenor one and Tenor two), Basses and Baritones. Cirencester Male Voice Choir follows that traditional format.
Each section contributes to a distinct, rich sound and balance within the choir. The lower voices (bass and baritone) providing depth and foundation. The higher voices (tenor one and tenor two ) bring brightness and melodic interest. The vocal arrangement is designed to create a full harmonic spectrum, making the male choir sound both rich and layered.
Newcomers who don’t know where their might voice fit in those tiers should have no concerns. Our Musical Director, James Willshire, knows where a voice sits. Additionally the Male Voice Choir committee and our section representatives are there to help. In effect they are there to help with introductions, confidence, and practise materials.
Cirencester Male Voice Choir meet for rehearsals every Monday at 7.30pm and being part of our choir is about having fun.
Yes, we take the singing seriously and we put on lots of concerts each year but we also like socialising together. We give concerts locally and further afield.
By being part of our choir you will not only enjoy the health benefits of singing – and there are many – but you will also meet new friends and have a great time..